Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm Back!

I am back, fearless followers!  (You know, all five of you.)  Whew!  That was a crazy end of a semester.  However, I graduated, I have a new shiny Master's degree, a teaching license in the works, and things have settled down. 

I also got one of my favorite things for Amazon spree.  YEAH!  I have something close to a gazillion new books to read.  Not only that, but I have time to READ THEM.  Double YEAH! 

So - here is my list of reading-and-to-be-read books. 

Reading now:
1. Lionheart by Sharon Kay Penman
2. The Confessions of Catherine Medici by C.W. Gortner 
3. The Historical Atlas of the Bible by Ian Barnes
4. Israel: A History by Martin Gilbert 

And on deck:
1. Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst 
2. Erasing Hell by Francis Chan
3. The King's Grace by Anne Easter Smith books.  How lovely.

I am also interested in getting the book club up and running again.  Instead of me arbitrarily picking a book, I thought I would take some suggestions from you.  Here is what has been suggested to me thus far:

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank 
Erasing Hell by Francis Chan

So let me do this.  Please post a comment - either here or Facebook - with a vote for the next book.  Or weigh in on those two choices.  Have your input here by January 15th.  If there is no consensus, I will post a list and take a vote.  If there is a consensus, I will post the winner.  Alrighty?  Come on, we can't let The Ultra Manly Book Club beat us at the book club game!  We can read as much as a bunch of smelly boys! :) 

Thanks all!  Good to be back!

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